Around Sar la Rouge

Hi there! I hope you are enjoying your little trip into my world! Someone told me that we all have a crazy and a dark part in us, maybe artists are worst?! "Oh, that's an artist!"... meaning a little eccentric!!

It's not easy to do and sell art freely. As everything in our societies, there are codes, mind sets, and so on! I tried NFTs and cryptos, not my cup of tea! I just add the word "filigrane" on my works. And hop, I'm now jumping into the big mouth of the e-commerce. Scary!

I am a digital lady artist! Brainstorming about NFTs, I tried different apps on my iPhone and came 1st with a little alien video! And then an elephant, my favourite animal. And since then, I can't stop myself. I love to create and enjoy my new artist world:)

Have a look at Lionel Smit

I felt in love with his art, and finally saw his face few years later by visiting his studio in Summerset in South Africa. Great artist who loves women!

Have a look:)

A girly amateur photographer to follow...

She is a French artist, even if she does not considerate herself as such! Find her on Instagram @rockfrog13 for stunning sunsets, street art and more!

See her here!

Anonymous Banksy

Unmissable street artist, he delivers sharp messages, but with that special touch that makes his work fun and dramatic. Have a look at Walled Off Hotel in Palestine:)

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